
App won’t detect PiFi?

App won’t detect PiFi?

PiFi App Shows ‘Not Detected’

🛜 The default password is Raspberry314
The PiFi app requires your Raspberry Pi to be running PiFi firmware - either from a PiFi Kit SD Card or downloaded and flashed (see download guide)

1. Are you connected to PiFi?


The first check is to check if you are connected to PiFi in WiFi settings. If so, the app should automatically detect your PiFi device and the app should work as intended. If you are connected and your PiFi device is not being detected there are a few other checks you can perform outlined below 👇

2. Does PiFi have necessary permissions?

2.1 Android Permissions

If PiFi is offline - perhaps because your Raspberry Pi was powered off when connected to VPN and was not able to re-establish connection - then Android may expect you to give it permission to ‘stay connected’ (this permission is required for the app to be able to detect your PiFi device)

If you’ve dismissed the notification and it’s offline, then try forgetting the network then re-joining

2.2 iOS or iPad OS Permissions

During setup you will be asked to grant permission for the PiFi app to access your local network (which allows it to detect PiFi). If you declined this, you can either re-install and grant this permission or fix it by:

  1. Open Settings app on iPad or iPhone
  2. Tap Privacy & Security
  3. Tap Local Network
  4. Toggle on ‘PiFi’

On older versions of iPad OS or iOS (pre-iOS 17.5):

  1. Open Settings app
  2. Scroll down and select PiFi
  3. Toggle on ‘Local Network’

3. Is the Router IP/Gateway IP correct?


Visit WiFi Settings on your device, view information for the PiFi network by tapping the ℹ️ button on iOS or iPad or the settings cog ⚙️ on Android devices.

On Android, check the Gateway address on iPhone or iPad, check the Router address. PiFi should, by default, be set to

This could happen if you set the port in App > Settings > Network Settings > Port (WAN/LAN) to LAN but connected it to your router (when getting internet from a router PiFi should be set to WAN). If that’s the case, you may need to unplug the ethernet and reboot + forget/rejoin the WiFi network in WiFi Settings. Or, alternatively try a factory reset.


If you have changed the PiFi LAN IP, update it in the PiFI app like this:

Also ensure that a VPN is not enabled on iPhone (other than PiFi) as this may prevent the app from communicating with devices on your network including the Raspberry Pi

Still stuck? 😣

You can ask the community at and you’ll be sure to find a fix for whatever problem you are encountering.