
Update WiFi Country Code (LuCI)

Update WiFi Country Code (LuCI)

Update WiFi Country Code (LuCI)

This guide is only advised for PiFi kit as two radios are required for wireless pairing

Unable to see your Wireless Network when wireless pairing?

Let’s try updating the country code in case your network is broadcasting a Wi-Fi channel that is only available on your region (which other nearby WiFi networks are not).

You can either do this on a laptop whilst connected to PiFi. Or you can do it via the app

  1. Open the PiFi App > Settings > More Settings > Advanced (LuCI) > Continue


  1. On PC/Laptop/Browser > Visit
  1. Sign in using the admin password you set during first-time setup
  2. On the top menu select Network > Wireless
  3. Tap on ‘Edit’ on the interface under Cypress CYW43455 802.11ac/b/g/n (it may say SSID: Unavailable on it)
  4. Tap ‘Advanced Settings
  5. Under Country Code (the top option) put your country for example, US - United States
  6. Tap ‘Save’ Button
  7. Then tap ‘Save & Apply

Now you can go back to the app and try again!

I’ve attached a quick video showing this too: